Cartersville man arrested on child porn charges

Joshua David Stapleton

Credit: Cartersville Police Department

Credit: Cartersville Police Department

Joshua David Stapleton

A 34-year-old Cartersville man was arrested Thursday evening on more than a dozen charges of possessing child pornography, authorities said.

Joshua David Stapleton was taken into custody following a joint investigation by Cartersville Police, the GBI and the Department of Homeland Security, Cartersville police spokesman Capt. Mike Bettikofer said.

The investigation began after an online tip was received from the GBI’s Internet Crimes Against Children Unit. Stapleton was arrested on 15 counts of possession of child pornography, but additional charges are possible as the investigation continues, Bettikofer said.

Stapleton remains held without bond at the Bartow County Jail, online records show.

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