The Georgia Department of Transportation was a letter short and an hour late Wednesday in noticing a sign along Highway 316 pointing to “Georgia Gwinett College.” The “n” is missing in "Gwinett."

Observant motorists noticed the mistake before any DOT or college officials picked up on it.

The DOT, which just spent $52.7 million on the new Collins Hill Bridge on Highway 316, said the misspelling was a human error and was handled by a contractor.

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“Apparently, whoever [the contractor] used as the manufacturer for their signs had a misspelling in one of their signs,” DOT spokeswoman Natalie Dale said.

The sign will be taken down and fixed or replaced with a correct sign at no extra charge, Dale said.

Merri Brantley, a spokeswoman with the school, said GGC was not involved in making the sign.

“We had nothing to do with that,” she said. “That’s all DOT.”