Aubrey Lee Price, a South Georgia bank director accused last year of defrauding his bank and clients in his money management business, has been arrested in Brunswick, federal authorities said Tuesday.

Price, 47, who has been missing since June 2012, was last seen in a ferry terminal in Key West, Fla. He allegedly had planned to kill himself by leaping off a ferry boat.

The U.S. attorney's office in Savannah says 47-year-old Aubrey Lee Price is due to appear before a federal judge in Brunswick on Thursday, according to the Associated Press.

Price has been indicted on federal charges claiming he defrauded Montgomery Bank & Trust in tiny Ailey, Ga., where he was a director.

MB&T failed in July, less than a month after Price disappeared. He said in a confession and suicide note that he hid investment losses from his clients and from other bank officials. Price had earlier led one investor group that pumped millions into the troubled bank in an effort to save it and make big profits.

Price was arrested by Glynn County Sheriff’s Department during a traffic stop on I-95 for a traffic violation. He is scheduled to make an initial appearance before a federal court judge on Thursday.

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