Kevin is one baaaad goat.
A goat in northwestern Oklahoma enjoys hanging out at bars and staring down local police, KFOR reported. He also got into enough trouble that he was placed under house arrest.
“He’s just a normal goat. Eats a lot, does what goats do “ Doug Murrow, the goat's owner, told the television station.
The goat's name is Whitey, but residents in Cherokee have nicknamed him Kevin, KFOR reported.
“We started getting animal complaints about him running loose and somewhere along the way, we tagged him with the name Kevin,” Cherokee police Chief Ryan McNeil told the television station.
Kevin's adventures can be heard on the town's police scanners and even get mentioned in the Cherokee Messenger & Republican, the weekly newspaper.
"Kevin has been a regular for quite some time in the paper and quite a humorous read," Cherokee resident Tammy Harmon told KFOR. "One week, it's Kevin, the wayward goat, is at Third and Kansas, concerned citizen reports he is at the bar. Transported by local chief back home and placed on house arrest. It just doesn't get more humorous than that."
Harmon and Curtis Robinson started a Facebook page for Kevin, and there are already more than 850 members. There are Kevin the Goat T-shirts for sale, with an artist's rendering of the belligerent billy and the hashtag #goatwild.
On Wednesday, Murrow found Kevin a “girlfriend,” according to a Facebook post on the Kevin the Goat page.
Kevin’s house arrest went down like this:
“Kevin and the police officer had a standoff on Grand and the highway,” Robinson said. “Kevin refused to surrender. Kevin was finally apprehended and gave himself up. I thought someone was yankin' my chain. I thought someone at the paper was just making things up.”
When Kevin showed up at the bar, Murrow got a call from McNeil.
"He has been down to the bar. I loaded him up and took him back home. He is on house arrest now," McNeil told KFOR. "You stick him back in his fenced in area and hook the chain back on."
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