What happens when it’s your birthday but you can’t have the party you planned because of coronavirus?
If you’re the city of Stockbridge, you raise your voice in song -- virtually, over Zoom.
Henry County’s largest city is planning a noon singalong Thursday for the community to toast its 100th birthday. About 100 people who get on the call first will be able to help city leaders ring in the first century of Stockbridge’s existence.
“This is a very important time in our city’s history, " Stockbridge Mayor Anthony Ford said. “Our Centennial Celebration is truly one for the books. COVID-19 has altered our original plans but we still want to mark the special occasion with memorable moments involving our community members.
“You’re invited to join us on Thursday at mid-day as we celebrate our city’s 100th birthday,” Ford said. “Don’t miss it. We want both non-singers and those with talent to join us for the virtual singalong. It’s a team activity.”
Thursday’s event will include giveaways and a DJ to keep the celebration lively, the city said.
Stockbridge had planned outdoor festivals and concerts to mark its centennial, but had to switch gears because of soaring infections in Georgia from the virus. It also would have been difficult to follow social-distancing guidelines with big festivals.
To join the sing-a-long, be the first 100 to sign in at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87870955356?pwd=aWVmWjNnUEIvWVpwWFBNVk43Si9VQT09.
Others may watch the celebration on Facebook Live by visiting @StockbridgeCityHall at noon Thursday.
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