Fulton County residents looking for a job can now get live help from WorkSource Fulton.

The department is reopening its development offices for in-person services, which includes rooms with computers. The offices were closed due to COVID-19 levels.

Still, the WorkSource Fulton offices are requiring social distancing and masks while inside.

There are two offices: North Fulton Service Center at 7741 Roswell Road in suite 203 within Sandy Springs and the South Fulton Service Center at 5600 Stonewall Tell Road, in suite 204 within College Park.

People can arrange to drop off or pick up documents at either location.

Those searching for work can call 404-613-6800 to schedule an appointment. Interested people can also email worksourcefulton@equusworks.com or schedule appointments online at http://bit.ly/WorkSourceFultonAppointment.

Disney Theme Park EmployeesCan Now Show Tattoos and Wear‘Gender-Inclusive’ Hairstyles.On Tuesday, Disney Parks' Experiences andProducts chairman, Josh D'Amaro, announcedthe company's latest step toward inclusivity.D’Amaro revealed that Disney has updated its dress codeto give theme park employees “greater flexibility.” .This includes the ability to show “appropriate tattoos” and wear “gender-inclusive” jewelry, nail styles, hairstyles and costumes.According to D’Amaro, the updated dress code will allowDisney’s workplace to “remain relevant” and also enableemployees to “better express” their individuality. .This will allow cast members toengage in “richer” experiences with guests and create an inclusive environment for all.We want our guests to see their ownbackgrounds and traditions reflected inthe stories, experiences and productsthey encounter in their interactions withDisney. And we want our cast members– and future cast members – to feela sense of belonging at work, Josh D'Amaro, via statement.D’Amaro ended by sayingDisney would “never stopworking” to ensure it is a“welcoming place for all.” .The world is changing, and we will changewith it, and continue to be a source of joyand inspiration for all the world … I’mexcited about where we're headed, andwe'll have more to share soon. Thankyou for joining us on this journey, Josh D'Amaro, via statement

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Strong overnight storms are bringing the risk of a brief twister to parts of West Georgia, including metro Atlanta.

Credit: Channel 2 Action News


A photo at Atlanta's City Hall on March 23, 2018. (AJC file)