After suffering through complaints and code enforcement violations for at least eight years, three blighted and dangerous apartment buildings along Bolton Road are set to be demolished.

At a special call meeting Thursday, the city of Atlanta’s In Rem Review Board issued demolition orders for every apartment building located at 940, 950 and 1020 Bolton Road in the Bankhead/Bolton neighborhood.

Barry Shaw, the code enforcement section commander for the Atlanta Police Department, said the buildings have been open and vacant for several years with code enforcement complaints dating back to 2008.

After no resolution could be found though owner or court compliance, the cases were referred to the In Rem Review Board, which conducts public hearings for owners of property determined by the Bureau of Buildings to be unfit for human habitation.

“We are still in the final process of obtaining the funds to complete these projects, but do believe we will receive enough to at least award 1020 Bolton Road to a city contractor and have a targeted completion time by the end of this year,” Shaw said.

The buildings had become dangerous and overgrown eyesores for the community. Atlanta City Councilmember Felicia Moore, who represents the area, said the open, vacant and burned builds had collapsed walls and roofs and were the home of thousands of illegally dumped tires.

“Improving code enforcement and the quality of life in our neighborhoods continues to be one of my top priorities in the district,” Moore said. “I am very excited that the first major step has been taken to address these long-standing eyesores in the Bankhead/Bolton neighborhood


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