Update: Brookhaven (DeKalb)

Last week, we told you about a reader’s concern over a sinkhole in Brookhaven.

“There is a sinkhole at the intersection of Ellijay Drive and Etowah Drive in Brookhaven. It has been blocked off for weeks with construction tape. I have lost track of how many weeks it has been there. It is difficult to turn onto Ellijay or Etowah,” the reader wrote.

The reader said he called about it a few times and didn’t get much information on where the issue stood with the city .

We got an update this week from Brookhaven officials.

“The sinkhole in the city of Brookhaven was caused by a sewer line breach. As such, DeKalb County and Brookhaven have been working together to address this issue. Crews have made progress as shown in the below picture, and hope that the road will be fully restored in the near future,” said Brookhaven Communications Director Burke Brennan.

Days on the list: 9

Who’s looking into it: Communications Manager Burke Brennan, burke.brennan@brookhavenga.gov

Item: Tucker (DeKalb)

A reader is concerned about a metal plate in Tucker.

“This plate was damaged and it’s on a sidewalk where kids walk to school. It was removed very quickly, but it still hasn’t been replaced,” wrote a reader.

The reader said the plate is close to 2575 Gleneagles Drive right beside Midvale Elementary School.

We sent the issue to DeKalb County and will keep you updated.

Days on the list: 2

Who’s looking into it: Communications Manager Andrew Cauthen, acauthen@dekalbcountyga.gov