Update: Atlanta (Fulton)

Last August, we heard from Rhoda Margolis about hazardous conditions on Clifton Road.

“On August 28, the AJC printed my concern about the treacherous condition of Clifton Road between the CDC/Wesley Woods and Briarcliff Road. The numerous potholes make driving within lanes virtually impossible on that stretch of roadway. Lately, there has been repaving around the corner on Briarcliff Road. I am hoping this will mean repaving of the portion of Clifton Road that is so dangerous,” she wrote.

The Atlanta Department of Public Works responded to Margolis.

“I apologize for the delayed response. Road resurfacing is handled by the Atlanta Department of Transportation. By way of this email, I am forwarding your inquiry to the attention of DOT Commissioner Josh Rowan,” wrote Public Works Commissioner Al Wiggins.

Days on the list: 172

Who’s looking into it: Atlanta DOT Commissioner Josh Rowan, jrowan@AtlantaGa.Gov

Update: Atlanta (Fulton)

We told you about Gigi Schwartz’s concern about a crossing light not working in December.

“This crossing light at the intersection of East Rock Spring Road and West Sussex Road in Atlanta is not working,” she wrote.

Schwartz said the light has not been working for some time and wants it fixed for safety issues.

We sent the issue back to the city and will keep you updated.

Days on the list: 59

Who’s looking into it: City of Atlanta Department of Public Works Commissioner Al Wiggins Jr., 404-330-6240, AWiggins@atlantaga.gov