Item: Atlanta (DeKalb)
For nearly two years, Johanna Chapin has had an issue with a traffic light. She first contacted us about the issue in 2019 and reached out again two weeks ago
“I am writing to see if you could provide any assistance with my request to add a dedicated left turn signal from southbound Briarcliff Road onto The By Way. There is already a left turn lane, but the traffic light does not include a left turn signal,” she wrote.
Chapin said typically, three to six cars are waiting to turn left, facing a long stream of vehicles traveling north. Drivers often have to make a really aggressive left turn in front of oncoming traffic or turn left fast once the light goes red.
“Neither of these options is safe, and if there was a left turn signal to accompany the left turn lane, that would allow the cars turning left onto The By Way to proceed quickly and safely.”
Days on the list: 530 days
Who’s getting it fixed: Communications Manager Andrew Cauthen,
Item: Atlanta (DeKalb)
In December, we told you about Vicki Ingram’s issue with a drainage problem.
“I have a storm drain overflow basin in my yard at 3187 Alton Road. I have lived at this address for 30 plus years. The storm drain was covered from the street to my property’s edge by the previous owner and Dekalb County. My problem is the storm drain has been stopped up for months. Water pours out of the overflow basin and floods my yard with every heavy rain. The water comes through the overflow basin so forcefully, and it lifts the cover off the basin. The last heavy rain, it flooded my swimming pool which cost me, considerably, to get the pool cleaned,” she wrote.
Ingram said she called on Nov. 12 and told the county the storm drain was stopped up and water was pouring out of the overflow basin and flooding my yard.
“Please get back with me as soon as possible and let me know how this matter is being resolved,” she asked the county. We sent the issue back to the county to check on an update.
Days on the list: 24
Who’s getting it fixed: Communications Manager Andrew Cauthen,
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