Red Ginger in Duluth, started 2023 the same as last year – with a failing health score.

During the routine inspection, the Thai restaurant had repeat food safety violations in food handling, time controls, and labeling containers.

For example, an employee cut carrots and celery without wearing gloves. In addition, multiple foods on a four-hour time control were not marked with a start or discard time. And several containers of seasonings and sauces on the wok station cart were unlabeled.

Red Ginger, 6575 Sugarloaf Parkway, scored 51/U and will be re-inspected. The restaurant scored 57/U on a routine inspection last January before pulling it up to 100/A on the re-inspection.

Among other violations, raw chicken and beef were over ready-to-eat foods in the prep cooler, and uncooked chicken and pork were above pad Thai sauce in the walk-in cooler. Other frozen meats and shrimp were stored together in the freezer.

In addition, the ice machine interior had a mold-like substance, and food residue was along the interior corners of cleaned cooking sheet pans.