Roswell recently approved a $42,060 contract with Brown and Caldwell to design the Woodstock Road Waterline Replacement Project. This task will replace 5,317 feet of existing 6-inch cast iron water line along Woodstock Road, from Fowler Avenue to Allenbrook Lane, with a new 10-inch ductile iron water line.

The city has lost potential customers to Fulton County because this line does not meet current standards to provide adequate fire flow. The Roswell Water Utility has data showing a 10-inch line will allow the city to meet current fire flow standards and improve overall water pressure in the area.

The Roswell Transportation Department has already contracted with KCI Engineering to design the multiuse trail that will run down Woodstock Road from Highway 92 to Canton Street. By working with the water utility, construction of both projects will cut costs and minimize disruption.