Volunteers are wanted to help spruce up the banks and storm drains of the Chattahoochee River during Roswell’s Rivers Alive Cleanup event on Sept. 16.

The annual event, hosted by Keep Roswell Beautiful and the City of Roswell, is part of a statewide campaign to clean and preserve Georgia’s 70,100 miles of rivers and streams.

Local volunteers can register for this month’s event at Keeproswellbeautiful.org through Sept. 11.

The Rivers Alive Cleanup will take place from 8:30 a.m. until noon. at Riverside Park, Old Roswell Cemetery, Bulloch Hall and other project sites.

According to Roswell, 184 volunteers collected 4,400 pounds of trash, marked more than 200 storm drains and removed invasive plants last year.

For more information email Liberti Gates at enviroeducation@roswellgov.com.