The Sandy Springs City Council recently approved a $127,250 contract with Pond and Company for the design of a mid-block crossing on Roswell Road at the North Fulton Government Annex, 7741 Roswell Rd.

In 2019, Roswell performed a traffic study in the vicinity of the North Fulton Government Annex building. That study indicated a mid-block crossing with a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon was warranted in the area due to the high volume of pedestrians and the geometry of the road. The intent of this project is to give pedestrians on the west side of Roswell Road safe access to the Fulton County Government Services Center on the east side of Roswell Road.

The design will include construction of a raised median on Roswell Road, a HAWK hybrid pedestrian signal, ADA compliant curb ramps, Sandy Springs standard streetscape elements (lighting, brick pavers, and landscaping), and any other minor pedestrian upgrades to improve the safety of the area.

The design of the pedestrian hybrid beacon crossing will be funded by the city’s Intersection and Operational Improvement Program.