The Sandy Springs Police Department is accepting applications for the next Citizens Police Academy. The free 9-week course meets 6-8:30 p.m. every Tuesday for nine weeks beginning Sept. 13 and is designed to give participants the opportunity to get to know the people behind SSPD, understand the training and the department’s philosophy for law enforcement.
The CPA is an up-close study of police operations with topics including internal affairs investigations, training and policies, background and recruiting, crisis negotiations team, criminal investigation unit, 911 Dispatch Center, SSPD and the media, property and evidence, Crime Scene Investigations, traffic unit (DUI), narcotics, firearms and defensive tactics, SWAT and the K9 unit. Participants have the opportunity to ridealong with police officers.
The academy is open to all Sandy Springs residents and those employed in Sandy Springs. Applicants will be accepted on a first come first serve basis and a soft background check will be conducted.
Apply by emailing Sergeant Stafford at: MStafford@SandySpringsGa.Gov.
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