The Roswell Design Review Board recently tabled a discussion for a proposed car wash at 10469, 10471 and 10473 Alpharetta St.

The proposed Wash Factory Express Roswell would combine three lots into one, demolish the existing buildings, and construct a 4,725-square foot car wash with concrete paved parking lot, 30 vacuums, employee parking, plus two 10′foot by 10-foot pads for amenities, a public driveway and open space.

The proposal also states there are 22 existing trees on the lot with plans to remove 21 and replace them with 18 new trees to improve the landscaping. The new trees will be a combination of crepe myrtles, red maples, pines, a Yaupon holly, one cherry and one oak.

The Roswell Design Review Board is tasked with making sure development plans comply with community design and development policies established by the city in its Comprehensive Plan and applicable design guidelines. They review initial designs and final designs for all development within its jurisdiction except for detached, fee simple and single-family residences.

The Design Review Board will next address the request on July 5.