Roswell police were recently given city council approval to apply for a $49,654 Federal Bureau of Justice assistance grant. If awarded, this grant will be used to purchase a DNA sampling SEC field unit along with supplies to process 75 DNA samples.
According to city documents, the SEC field unit is “an advanced DNA sampling device that allows for targets sampling of abnormal or difficult substrates that contain DNA, using wet vacuum sampling.”
Being able to recover and collect DNA has become an essential part of contemporary forensic investigations. The department went on to say, “The ability to retrieve and identify the smallest trace of physical evidence sets the tone for the investigation and eventual prosecution.”
This purchase will eliminate the need for Roswell Police to contract out DNA sampling and is expected to increase the rate of identified DNA profiles in casework over the next three years.
Roswell PD’s criminal investigations division commander will be responsible for the implementation, management, reporting and close-out of the grant project.
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