The Alpharetta City Council recently approved a $159,953 contract with Kompan for the construction of a playground at Mid-Broadwell City Park, 1480 Mid Broadwell Road.

Planning for the park began in 2016 when the city purchased land for future development. In 2019 young members of the community presented a vision of a playground with a natural play area complete with a water table for kids to enjoy.

During the design phase it was determined that the development of the park would be completed in phases. Phase 1 of the project built the restrooms. When funding became available, phase 2 with the parking area was completed, and phase 3 is the development of the playground and trail.

The approved playground design will have a standalone water play table and components for ages 2-5 and 5-12 with a tree house look, swings, a toddler swing and inclusive play area, and signage designating appropriate ages for play space and general playground rules.

The city hopes to have the new playground open by the end of March.