The Johns Creek City Council has authorized staff use of $150,000 in budgeted TSPLOST funds to acquire rights-of-way for the proposed Bell Road over Cauley Creek Tributary bridge replacement project.

“The project will replace the existing roadway and pedestrian bridge … with one that includes pedestrian facilities on the bridge itself, similar to the bridge replacement that was completed for Bell Road over Cauley Creek itself,” staff said in an agenda report. “With consensus from council, staff will begin negotiating with property owners to acquire the right-of-way needed for the project.”

Preliminary engineering has been completed, and plans call for elevating the bridge to accommodate heavy rainfalls and overbank flow, staff said. The elevation work will require rights-of-way and easements from four parcels. The effort is designated a Tier 1 TSPLOST project for operational and safety improvements in the Bell/Boles Corridor.