Burn Ban ends, Milton warns residents to build fires safely

The Burn Ban in Georgia has been lifted, but in Milton, burning in areas not agriculturally zoned is always prohibited. (Photo courtesy Pixabay)

The Burn Ban in Georgia has been lifted, but in Milton, burning in areas not agriculturally zoned is always prohibited. (Photo courtesy Pixabay)

During a normal year, Oct. 1 signals the end of “burn ban” season across most of Georgia. But Milton officials are reminding residents “the lifting of the burn ban doesn’t mean Milton residents can start burning anything, anywhere and at anytime.”

“If you’re going to burn, it’s critical that you do it safely,” said Fire Marshal Alex Fortner. “Just because it’s not summer anymore doesn’t mean that flames can’t spread quickly.”

For residents living in agriculturally zoned areas, outdoor burning of small piles of residential yard debris is now allowed. But in Milton, burning in areas not agriculturally zoned is always prohibited. Check zoning on the city’s website: www.cityofmiltonga.us/home/showdocument?id=2736.

Where allowed, anyone burning should be aware of wind conditions by checking the Georgia Forestry Commission fire danger rating map: www.weather.gfc.state.ga.us/Maps/fd.gif or contact the Milton Fire Department at 678-242-2541 during regular business hours for guidance. Ratings of 3, 4, or 5, shouldn’t burn outside (“burn ban” or not).

Guidance, questions or concerns on open burning: Milton Fire-Rescue Department at 678-242-2541 or fire.marshal@cityofmiltonga.us.