Alpharetta approves spirits at Revolving Sushi Factory

Revolving Sushi Factory in Alpharetta has an existing beer, wine and Sunday Sales license and was recently approved to add distilled spirits. (Courtesy Revolving Sushi Factory)

Credit: Revolving Sushi Factory

Credit: Revolving Sushi Factory

Revolving Sushi Factory in Alpharetta has an existing beer, wine and Sunday Sales license and was recently approved to add distilled spirits. (Courtesy Revolving Sushi Factory)

The Alpharetta City Council recently approved adding the sale of distilled spirits to the existing alcohol license for Revolving Sushi Factory at 865 North Main St.

According to city documents from the alcohol license public hearing held June 19, Scott Hamilton, representing Revolving Sushi Factory, stated this restaurant serves sushi on a conveyer belt. They have an existing beer, wine and Sunday Sales license and were seeking to add distilled spirits.

Existing training is in place for employees serving alcohol and the restaurant will continue to train any new employees.