Locust Grove council considers 2021 budget

Locust Grove’s budget is set to be adopted in December.

Locust Grove’s budget is set to be adopted in December.

The Locust Grove City Council is considering an $18.5 million combined budget, with two public hearings during November and final adoption expected to come in early December. The general fund budget of nearly $9.2 million is funded mostly by local-option sales taxes, business taxes and user fees.

No property taxes are proposed as has been the case in the city for the past 40 years, according to officials. Public safety and street maintenance are listed as the largest expenditures. Total revenues and expenditures for enterprise funds are about $9.3 million and mostly involve utilities and hotel-motel revenue slated for economic development as well as some capital projects funded by SPLOST or impact fees.

The 9.5 percent growth in the budget from 2020 is in line with 10-15 percent population growth in recent years, city officials said.
