Big Guy’s Chicken & Seafood in Loganville scored 66/U on a recent routine health inspection, dropping from previous scores of 99/A and 100/A.
The inspector said that the facility lacks managerial control to ensure compliance with the food code. For example, foods were stacked incorrectly in cold storage and at risk of contamination. Raw eggs were over milk and sauce in one cooler, and raw fish was over ready-to-eat foods like okra and onion rings in another cooler.
In addition, many items were out of the safe temperature range. For example, cut cabbage and lettuce had elevated temperatures inside the prep cooler.
Frozen uncooked fish, chicken and wings, thawing on ice at the prep table, were placed under running water for food safety.
Containers of spices and sauces were unlabeled. Wet wiping cloths were on the counter instead of being placed in sanitizer.
Big Guy’s Chicken & Seafood, 3334 Langley Road, Loganville, will be re-inspected.
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