The Suwanee City Council recently approved a zoning change to allow for an age-restricted residential community on 12.5 acres at 813 Eva Kennedy Road.

The proposed community will include 98 units with a mix of 5 different styles. Four will be 1,200 square foot single family detached cottages, 14 built as 1,350 square foot detached homes, four 1,550 square foot homes, six homes as large as 1,700 square feet, and 27 duplexes. The mix would include 27 one-bedroom, 49 two-bedroom, and 22 three-bedroom units.

Approval came with planning commission conditions dated Dec. 15. and includes on-street parallel parking to be provided consistent with the concept plan. This on-street parking will be delineated by bulb-outs and provide 4 sidewalk connections from on-street parking to units facing Eva Kennedy Road. Additional conditions apply.