Following a series of public hearings, the Duluth City Council voted recently to maintain the city’s millage rate at 6.551 mills for 2022. Duluth has not increased itsmillage rate since 2016.
Even so, this will exceed the rollback millage rate by 1.127 mills resulting in a 20.78% increase in revenue for the city due to increased property values. This reassessment revenue is expected to total approximately $988,600.
Georgia law requires municipalities to calculate a rollback millage rate that results in the same total revenue for the current year that the previous year’s millage rate would have produced had no reassessments occurred.
According to city documents of their final public hearing before adopting the 2022 millage rate, Duluth Councilmember Manfred Graeder noted, “maintaining the millage rate is important this year to compete with inflation, due to increased costs for goods and staffing needs. Keeping current levels of service limits the ability to roll back the rate.”
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