After continuing complaints that tap water drawn from Lake Lanier smells foul and taste awful, Forsyth County issued a statement Friday reminding everyone it’s tested the water and it’s safe to drink.

“(The) Forsyth County Water and Sewer Department has installed a powder activated carbon (PAC) system at the drinking water treatment facility to help reduce the levels of MIB and geosmin,” which impart a musty, earthy taste, the county said.

“It may take time for the results to be seen throughout the county,” the county said. Meanwhile, “as the circumstances in Lake Lanier change and the levels of these compounds in the raw water are reduced, it will naturally reduce the levels in the finished water that is sent to customers’ homes.”

Also, crews have been opening hydrants and flushing the system. This can introduce air into lines and cause cloudiness in tap water, which is harmless and will quickly dissipate. Information: