A survey on 2023 SPLOST project recommendations is being offered by Peachtree City’s SPLOST advisory group through Aug. 12.

In March 2023, a referendum will be on the ballot to replace the 2017 Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST).

Survey results will help city officials:

  • vet and prioritize the community project list to include improvements to intersections, multi-use paths, public safety, public works, recreation and roads.
  • identify funding sources to complete projects such as millage increase, grants and SPLOST.
  • present a consensus-based prioritized project list to the City Council for consideration and final approval on Aug. 18 for which projects will be on the 2023 ballot.

SPLOST is a countywide, one-cent, voter-approved tax for six years that local governments can use to fund specific capital projects.

Fayette County and the cities of Brooks, Fayetteville, Peachtree City and Tyrone share the SPLOST proceeds based on population.

For Peachtree City projects, $67 million is the projected tax revenue from SPLOST 2023.

Review the Peachtree City SPLOST projects at surveymonkey.com/r/SPLOSTgrouprec.