“In the Forecast” will be the topic by the U.S. National Weather Service (NWS), based in Peachtree City, from 1:30-2:30 p.m. Aug. 4.
For free, this program will be given at Fayette Senior Services (FSS), The Gathering Place, 203 McIntosh Trail, Peachtree City.
Get a look at the science behind the forecast procedure, how weather is predicted, what types of services NWS provides to The Weather Channel - based in Atlanta - and news stations, what tools NWS uses to provide alerts and more.
Pre-registration is required by calling 770-461-0813 or emailing register@fayss.org (include name, phone number and event title).
FSS members and nonmembers are welcome.
Information: facebook.com/NWSAtlanta
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