Fayetteville’s administration is adding or reclassifying three staff positions, changes that were approved 5-0 at the May 20 City Council meeting. Human Resources Director Nella Cooper said the creation of a director of communication and public information will “align the Public Information Office with the City’s Vision,” and be separated from the now-combined position as the accreditation manager in the police department. The new director will be a grade 322 with an approximate compensation package of $99,000. The accreditation manager job will be reclassified as a pay grade 5-PS with annual compensation of about $95,000. Both positions will be filled internally.

The city will also add a part-time bailiff officer to the police department’s Support Services Division at a cost of $41,600 per year. Cooper said the current full-time bailiff is retiring soon but will come back part-time to train his replacement.