During an April 6 DeKalb County Board of Commissioners meeting, District 7 Commissioner Lorraine Cochran-Johnson unveiled a comprehensive plan for the development of a $1.4 million state-of-the-art youth farm, according to a press release.

The Education, Market, Botanicals, Agriculture, and Recreational Center (E.M.B.A.R.C.) Community Youth Farm will be located in Lithonia at the former 50-acre Bransby Outdoor YMCA at Rock Chapel site.

Phase I funding consists of contributions, including $98,500 from Commissioner Cochran-Johnson’s District 7 discretionary funds, a $225,500 allocation from the county’s Hotel-Motel Tax Fund and over a $600,000 commitment from the county. The buildout of the E.M.B.A.R.C. Community Youth Farm is currently estimated to cost $1.4 million dollars.

A detailed draft master site plan was designed by 13 Georgia Institute of Technology graduate students under the direction of Herman H. Howard, nationally-acclaimed architect. The comprehensive plan incorporated the natural topography of the land and existing resources to develop a model farm with mixed uses to encourage optimal community engagement.

Several organizations have teamed up to support this effort, including the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners, DeKalb County Youth Services, DeKalb County UGA Cooperative Extension, Partners In Action for Healthy Living, and the DeKalb County Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs Department.

Once fully operational, the youth farm will share a park naturalist with Hidden Acres Nature Preserve.

In addition to growing fruits and vegetables, the landscape incorporates aquaponics, hydroponics, edible environments, and areas designated for youth entrepreneurship, leadership and team building. Containing multiple trails, the youth farm will encompass such activities as zip lining, rock climbing, and kayaking.

The E.M.B.A.R.C. Community Youth Farm will be entirely ADA-compliant and home to DeKalb’s largest wheelchair-accessible swimming pool as well as a 275-seat amphitheater.

Phase I new build construction and renovations of existing structures of the E.M.B.A.R.C. Community Youth Farm are estimated to be complete by October 2021.

Information: www.embarcyouthfarm.org