Continued streambank erosion along Henderson Mill Creek has impacted an existing sanitary sewer line and water main crossing located along Rangewood Terrace in DeKalb County, according to a press release.

The DeKalb County Department of Watershed Management has proposed a streambank stabilization project that will consist of grading the eroding streambanks to a more slope. It will also include integrated bio-engineering practices (including joint plantings with Black Willow and Silky Dogwood live stake cuttings and permanent native riparian seed mix).

In addition, the damaged 16-inch water main located along Rangewood Terrace will be replaced. This project will result in approximately 214 linear feet total (5,718 square feet total) of buffer disturbances along an unnamed tributary to Henderson Mill Creek and Henderson Mill Creek in the Upper Chattahoochee Watershed.

The public is invited to comment during a 30-day period on the proposed activity. Site plans are available for review and are located at the Watershed Protection Branch, 200 Piedmont Avenue SW, Suite 418 West, Atlanta.

Contact Arnettia Murphy at (404) 656-4147 or to schedule an appointment to review the plans.

Since the EPD has no authority to zone property or determine land use, only those comments addressing environmental issues related to air, water, and land protection will be considered in the application review process.

Written comments should be submitted to: Program Manager, NonPoint Source Program, Erosion and Sedimentation Control, 2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SW, Suite 1462 East, Atlanta, GA 30334.