A community of 114 detached single-family houses was approved 4-1 on June 7 by the Powder Springs City Council.
Councilwoman Nancy Farmer was opposed due to her concern about the increased traffic.
The rezoning is from Neighborhood Retail Commercial (NRC) to Planned Unit Development-R (PUD-R) on about 22 undeveloped acres at the northeast intersection of Powder Springs Road/U.S. 278 and Hill Road.
Of the 22 acres, three acres will consist of open park areas - passive and active, and pocket parks, said attorney Kevin Moore on behalf of applicant Traton Homes based in Marietta and property owner Westside Woods based in Powder Springs.
With no master bedrooms on the main floors, the two-story houses will sell for $300,000 to $400,000, Moore added.
Moore said 2.3 acres along U.S. 278 will remain NRC as commercial and will be donated by Traton Homes to the Powder Springs Development Authority.
To Farmer’s concern about traffic, Moore said there would be “no negative impacts” to traffic since there would be two entry points on Hill Road to the development, a deceleration lane and a left-lane turn lane.
Information: CityOfPowderSprings.org, TratonHomes.com
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