Until the end of July, Cobb County Fire and Emergency Services is seeking feedback through a Community Expectation Survey.

The survey is designed to seek feedback from the public about the services offered and quality of their delivery by Cobb County Fire and Emergency Services.

Also, the survey will help the department fill in any gaps of services or coverage expected by Cobb County citizens.

Cobb County Fire & Emergency Services is one of the few county fire departments that has an ISO 1 rating as well as holding the designation as Internationally Accredited through Center for Public Safety Excellence (CPSE) and Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI).

Of the 29,700 fire departments in the U.S., only 106 departments have an ISO 1 rating.

Also, there are only 290 agencies accredited by CPSE/CFAI in the United States.

Only 12% of the U.S. population is protected by an accredited fire department.

Survey link: arcg.is/0TWrj4

Information: CobbCounty.org/public-safety/fire/about