Woodstock will host a citywide yard sale and a recycling/paper shredding event - both on April 22 as a part of the Greenstock Day Celebration.
For the yard sale, addresses will be accepted online through April 4 for free at bit.ly/3zdq4yx to which an interactive map will be posted before the sale.
View a city flyer about the yard sale at bit.ly/3z52Tq6.
Woodstock city officials will advertise approved yard sales throughout the city.
After your sale, if you have clothing, bedding, shoes, towels, stuffed animals, belts, hats, purses and backpacks left over, donate them for reuse or recycling at any USAgain bins, which can be found at usagain.com.
The recycling/paper shredding event will take place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 22 at Woodstock Elementary School, 230 Rope Mill Road for drive-throughs.
Participants do not have to be Woodstock residents.
Including a few cash fees, more details about this event can be found at bit.ly/3nmDINp.