HomeAid Atlanta and Century Complete celebrated the completion of Lotus House at North Georgia Angel House on May 21. The newly renovated home will serve as a refuge for six young women in need of emergency housing, according to a press release. They will benefit from case management, job readiness, and counseling services available to them at North Georgia Angel House (NGAH).

NGAH already provides a wide range of services for girls in foster care, including a safe place to live while teaching them valuable life skills. Working in conjunction with Cherokee County officials, NGAH recognized a need for emergency shelter for young women, some of whom have aged out of the foster care system, in Canton.

NGAH purchased a house near their main campus. Having worked with HomeAid Atlanta on a couple of past projects, NGAH once again called upon the building industry nonprofit to renovate the emergency shelter.

HomeAid Atlanta serves as a “bridge,” connecting builders, trades, and suppliers with community organizations serving families and individuals experiencing homelessness.

The first girls are set to move into Lotus House this weekend.