Cherokee County Board of Commissioners will hold four public hearings in March related to rural subdivisions, development regulations, the county’s tree ordinance and a possible extension of the moratorium in Hickory Flat, according to a press release.

The Board of Commissioners, at its Feb. 16 meeting, called for a public hearing related to a possible extension of the moratorium in Hickory Flat until June 15 or until the adoption of the Hickory Flat Area Plan.

There will also be a public hearing related to Rural Subdivisions, a topic that was discussed at the Board of Commissioners’ annual planning retreat in January.

A public hearing related to changes to the county’s was also approved.

Commissioners also approved, 5-0, calling for a public hearing related to changes to the county’s tree ordinance.

All four public hearings will be held at 6 p.m., March 16 in the ballroom of the Cherokee County Administration Building, 1130 Bluffs Parkway, Canton.