Atlanta Mission has recently announced the August opening of Restoration House: Atlanta’s New Shelter for Women and Children, according to a press release.

Officials are reimagining the Ethel Street property, previously known as Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children, to create a new, innovative shelter for women and children experiencing homelessness.

Last year, roughly 4,000 women and children sought shelter at Atlanta Mission. There are only 905 beds currently available for them in Atlanta. This leaves more than 3,000 women and children without a bed. For these women, finding shelter can represent the difference between life and death.

A new, larger shelter means the mission no longer has to turn these women away. Restoration House will allow Atlanta Mission to expand its day services for women and children by 20% and create 102 new shelter beds for those in need. It will also be able to increase staffing and security to protect these women and create trusting relationships.

This will be a truly innovative space rooted in human-centered design, say officials. From the furniture to the lighting, each design choice made uniquely serves the women and children who’ve experienced trauma. The safe and welcoming environment will help clients work through past traumas and limit re-traumatization that so often occurs in shelters.

The building will have an open design to establish a sense of transparency between clients and staff. Daily childcare will be provided for the moms served, so they can focus on working through their unique challenges. Meanwhile, the kids will have an indoor and outdoor space to play, work through trauma, connect with their moms, and more.

A brand new, fully functioning medical clinic operated by Mercy Care will provide health services to more than 4,000 individuals each year. And Atlanta Mission @Work, the vocational training and job placement program, will be available for the women.

“Atlanta Mission’s new Ethel Street facility leverages thoughtful, trauma-informed design strategies that will reduce women and children’s stress, support their dignity, and provide them important breathing room to exit homelessness successfully.” – Jill Pable, Ph.D., Design Resources for Homelessness

Atlanta Mission broke ground on Restoration House in June 2020. You can see a time-lapse of the build and where it’s at today here: