Atlanta BeltLine Inc. recently shared some of its top achievements in 2020.

For the first time ever, construction on three segments of the Atlanta BeltLine got underway in 2020.

  • Southside Trail-West

ABI broke ground on the Southside Trail-West on January 22, 2020. As the first segment of the Southside Trail to undergo construction, this 0.75-mile stretch will extend the existing Westside Trail south and east to connect four open and emerging job centers – Pittsburgh Yards, Murphy Crossing, the Met, and Lee + White.

  • Westside BeltLine Connector & Westside North Extension

Construction of the Westside BeltLine Connector, a joint venture between ABI and the PATH Foundation, has been in full swing all year. This future multi-use spur trail will provide 2.9 miles of connectivity between the Atlanta BeltLine corridor and PATH Foundation trails leading into Downtown Atlanta. Divided into three segments in a phased approach to construction, Segments 1 and 2 should be completed in January 2021.

  • Northeast Trail

As part of an agreement between ABI and Georgia Power, construction of the Northeast Trail- segment 2 continued throughout 2020. This section of trail will ultimately be 1.2 miles in length in total when complete and run from Westminster Drive to Mayson Street / Plasters Avenue.

  • 55 Milton Closing

In July 2020, The Milton near the Southside Trail in Peoplestown closed, which will ultimately provide 156 affordable units. ABI contributed $2 million to the project from the BeltLine Affordable Housing Trust Fund, the maximum amount permitted.

  • Façade Improvement

ABI wrapped up its pilot Business Façade pARTnership Grant program in January with the completion of two façade improvement projects: A/C Clutch Bicycle Shop on the Westside and Red’s Beer Garden in Benteen Park.

  • Avon Ave Purchase

ABI announced the purchase of a 9-acre property on Avon Avenue near Murphy Crossing in September.

  • Murphy Crossing RFP Release

The new Murphy Crossing Request for Proposals will be released in the winter/spring of 2021. A Stakeholder Advisory Committee comprised of 20 neighborhood leaders from 8 neighborhoods surrounding the site was convened to garner input in the RFP and community engagement process.

  • Online Outreach

ABI hosted 26 virtual public meetings on Zoom and live streamed to Facebook. Arts and culture hosted a BeltLine Live Stream Festival in June, featuring artist talks and performances. The beloved Atlanta BeltLine Lantern went virtual as well with a Parade-in-Place.

  • Atlanta BeltLine Data Explorer

ABI launched the Atlanta BeltLine Data Explorer. Over a year in the making, the tool is the first step in a multi-phase partnership with Neighborhood Nexus to track socioeconomic indicators and ABI investments across the BeltLine Planning Area.

  • Viral COVID signage

ABI led a public health communications campaign to help curb the spike of COVID-19 cases in Atlanta.