Q: Can you please tell me where I can find a place to get the flu shot with the microneedle. Thank You. — Kim Seeger, Douglasville
A: Unlike traditional needles, microneedles offer a medium for delivering influenza vaccine through an ultra-thin tip that’s 1.5 mm long, which is the thickness of a penny. Fluzone Intradermal vaccine is injected only as deep as the skin and contains less vaccine than the traditional flu shot. It’s only approved for adults 18 to 64 years old. You can get the vaccine at Publix, 4300 Chapel Hill Road, Douglasville, 770-577-5139.
Q: I love reading your column each week in The AJC. I have been on the hunt for a product I can no longer find. Almay used to make a cream blush that I could purchase in the drugstore. When I couldn’t find it in the store, I looked to the Internet. I found it at the drugstore.com site a while back and purchased a few. Now I’m on my last tube and panicking a bit because it does not seem to be on there anymore. Can you help me find Almay creme blush in a tube? I use the shade 010 pink rose. Thank you for your help. — Wendy King, Snellville
A: Thanks for reading, Wendy. You’re in luck because I found a few tubes on amazon.com. You can get a pack of two tubes of Almay Smart Shade Blush, pink rose, for $9.49. Since they’re getting scarce, you might want to snap up as many tubes as your wallet will allow.
Q: My dad and I used to love the soapy, minty tasting confections called Sen Sen. These little square mints bring back strong memories of my grandma, who first gave them to me as a treat. Do you know where I can buy packs of Sen Sen tiny confectionery breath mints? Thanks. — Rob Wittes, email
A: Boy, do I remember these potent little black specks that tasted of perfume and licorice. In fact, I can probably still find a few Sen Sen scattered at the bottom of old handbags. Unfortunately, they’ve been discontinued by the manufacturer. Outside of eBay and one or two unfamiliar websites, where folks are asking ridiculously high prices, and without much inventory, I found only three little packs of Sen Sen for 99 cents each at Richard’s Variety Store, 931 Monroe Drive, Atlanta, 404-879-9877. The store is holding them under your name. Run, don’t walk to Richard’s, Rob. Those might be the last packs anywhere.
Q: Where can I find a Jane Parker fruitcake in the Lilburn area? Thanks. — Herman Cone, email
A: Herman, now that A&P grocery stores have moved out of the South, you and the rest of the Jane Parker fans will have to find the market’s most famous house brand holiday cakes online. There are only a handful of A&P-owned supermarket chains that still carry Jane Parker fruitcakes, but none in this area. You can order your favorite fruitcake from amazon.com or through janeparker.com. You can select from light or dark fruitcake, and prices range from $27.99 for a 1-pound loaf to $46.99 for a 4.5-pound fruitcake ring. If you buy your fruitcakes through Jane Parker, shipping is included in the price.
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