Internet access is dependable these days compared to just a few years ago. But on those rare occasions when our computers lose touch with the outside world, I learn all over again how dependent we've become. We pay our bills online, check the weather, and it's an essential part of how most of us earn a living.

Today we'll talk about what to do when you lose your connection, as well as some ways to soup up connections that work too slowly.

Let's start with the good news. In most cases your Internet connection isn't dead. It's just taking a brief nap. So before I panic, let me stop typing this column for a moment and see if that's what is happening here on Kodiak Drive. I'll turn off the high speed modem and router, and let it sit powered down while I get another cup of coffee.

That's always the first thing to try -- cycle off the power to those devices, wait a few minutes and power them up again. More often than not, you'll be rewarded with a good connection. Here's why. Your modem needs to work in synchronization with the gear at your Internet provider. Various things, including a blip in your electrical power, can get the devices out of sync. Something as simple as powering down and then up again, forces your modem to renegotiate that connection.

If you try this and it fails, wait a few minutes and try again. It sometimes can take two or three tries to get a modem talking again. Luckily, that’s just what happened here. All is well now. My e-mail is working again.

That simple fix won't always work. When it doesn't most of us are tempted to started tinkering. A small amount of that is OK. Go ahead and check the cables at the modem, your computer and your router. The easiest way to do this is to unplug each connector and then snap it back firmly in place. There are times when an accidental tug can pull something loose – cutting off your connection. And it's an easy and sensible thing to check.

But that's it for the tinkering -- even if you are an advanced computer user and know all the tricks. It's time to contact your Internet provider. (By the way, it's a good idea to keep important phone numbers handy, perhaps entered in an address book, or written down on a piece of paper, available for times you can't search for them online.)

Maybe it'll cheer you up to know that the major Internet services, including my provider, AT&T, generally do a fine job when it comes to diagnosing and fixing Internet problems. It makes great sense to contact your provider first. After all, if the problem is on their end of the circuit, you could tinker away -- maybe creating new problems -- without a chance of fixing the problem.

Be patient when you call. You'll be guided through several steps -- including things you have already tried. For instance, you almost certainly will be asked to restart the modem. And you’ll be asked to connect the computer directly to your modem – that’s to rule out the chance that the problem is with your router or other devices in your home. The technical support person has a check list that's pretty much set in stone.

In almost every case, there will be a way to restore your Internet service while you are on the phone. Even when that doesn't happen, help will be on the way.

Outages are almost always fixed quickly. They are easy to repair compared to a slow connection. I've run into some people who have used a slow connection so long that it seems normal to them. That's why it's a good idea to check the speed online.

There are several websites that offer that service. I usually depend on Scroll down the page and look for the box that says "Speakeasy speed test." It'll just take a minute or so to check your connection's speed. But check several times spread over a couple of days. Then add up the results and average them. That way you'll factor out times when the Internet itself is slow and have a better idea of your normal speed. Knowing the speed sure helps. That way, if some time in the future the connection seems slow to you, you can perform the speed test again and find out if you’re right.

If you discover that your own connection is much slower than the speed promised to you, check with your Internet provider for advice.

Those who use DSL instead of cable for high-speed access may find help from some simple rewiring. It's a process called a home run. That usually means running a phone connection directly to your modem. It can make a huge difference in speed. You can use Google and these search terms "dsl home run" to find out more, including do-it-yourself tips that involve a lot less rewiring than traditional methods. Read about it on the Web but don’t follow any of the tips. Instead, I strongly advise you to pay to have the job done commercially.

There are other ways to tweak a slow connection. In fact, the Web is full of programs -- some free, some for-pay -- that offer to do the job for you. Me? I think most home users should avoid this kind of tinkering. It's easy to make a mess of things. If you want to follow this path hire a professional to do the work for you. If nothing else, you'll have someone to blame if things don't work out.