If you think you have a knack for genealogy and want to do it professionally, a recently published book offers valuable information and could help clarify what skills are needed.

Nationally known author and lecturer Elizabeth Shown Mills is editor of “Professional Genealogy: Preparation, Practice & Standards,” which contains 26 chapters written by 22 genealogy experts. The chapters include Professional Practices; Ethics and Legalities; Career Management; Professional Research Skills; Writing, Editing and Publishing; and Educational Services.

All the authors are top-notch writers and lecturers, so readers are getting good information from the leaders in the field. The book should help anyone thinking about becoming a professional genealogist learn more about research skills and topics such as DNA and ethics, as well as educational opportunities. This is an important reference work for libraries, and a good starting point for anyone who wants to hire a professional. The chapter on genealogy credentials was co-authored by Paul K. Graham, a former Georgia resident, and gives information on credentialing bodies — the Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG), the International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists (ICAPGen) and the Council for the Advancement of Forensic Genealogy. The book, from the Genealogical Publishing Company of Baltimore, is $59.95 plus postage. Go to genealogical.com or call 1-800-296-6687.

United States laws and related books online

U.S. laws and related documents, including the American State Papers, can be found on the Library of Congress website (https://memory.loc.gov/ammem/amlaw/lawhome.html). So take a look, bookmark it, and use when needed. While at the Library of Congress, check their Newspaper Collection, ChroniclingAmerica.loc.gov, where they have digitized newspapers.

What have you learned from DNA testing?

With all the recent news about DNA testing, it might be worth hearing what people have learned. I have verified a number of family lines, and knocked down at least one brick wall. This is due to matching real people via DNA testing, not ethnic heritage locations. So let me hear from some of you for a future column.