Emory University clinical psychologist Ken Carter is looking for thrill seekers and scaredy cats alike to take an online survey http://buzz.drkencarter.com to determine how much of a "sensation seeker" they really are.

Participants who take the survey will find out instantly how they rank in four sensation-seeking categories (thrill/adventure seeking; experience seeking; disinhibition and boredom susceptibility). So while someone may or may not like to skydive, they may learn that they still exhibit a sensation-seeking trait, a personality trait expressed in behavior as a tendency to seek varied, novel, complex and intense sensations and experiences.

Carter’s goal is to extract data about high sensation-seeking individuals (aka adrenaline junkies) for research on sensation seeking which could be used for counselors and therapists, as well as an information tool for the public. Carter said therapists could use the information to help clients who may seem to have ADHD or be bipolar (both associated with increased risky decision making and behavior) but may really just be adrenaline junkie.

Sample survey questions include questions: Do you like “wild” uninhibited parties or do you prefer quiet parties with good conversations? Are there some movies you enjoy seeing a second or third time or can you not stand watching a movie you’ve seen before?