This month, the interest rate on student loans doubled because of a political stalemate in Washington. It’s now 6.8 percent, up from 3.4 percent because of a political stalemate in Washington.

I hope this gives you the opportunity to think about the total amount of money being borrowed on student loans. Congress ends up dialing back interest rates in the future, great. But the real problem is the runaway cost of college and borrowing for education.

I don’t want you to be in a position for decades where you go to school and are burdened from your twenties through your forties and maybe beyond with student loan debt.

There have been many reports about the burden of college loan debt. For those who have already graduated, there is a high rate of delinquency and default. For those who are in college, the level of debt and the percent of students taking on loan debt are hitting record numbers.

Students, if you must borrow, never borrow more for a four-year degree than the entry level salary you expect to earn after having received that degree.

A lot of people pooh-pooh my idea of going to a community college for the first two years. But you will get an education in what’s usually a more student-oriented environment than at a traditional college.

Then after two years, matriculate on to that traditional school and end up with only two years to pay for instead of four years. (Employers only look at the name of the college on your degree anyway, not where you started out.)

If what I’ve said above still falls on deaf ears and you’re still intent on borrowing, hear this: Only borrow what’s permissible under the federal student loan program. Do not go to private lenders. Period.

Consumer expert Clark Howard's column appears here each Thursday in conjunction with Deal Spotter, a weekly print section in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Find more answers to your consumer questions at Clark's website.

-- Clark Howard -- Save More, Spend Less, Avoid Rip-offs -- for the Atlanta Bargain Hunter blog

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