Stay connected with free Wi-Fi at these Atlanta places

Free Wi-Fi at The Porter in Little 5 Points.

Credit: Katie Pressly

Credit: Katie Pressly

Free Wi-Fi at The Porter in Little 5 Points.

Next time you want to change-up your work environment, or just browse the web without using your entire data plan, keep these places in mind:

IKEA is more than an endless maze of must-have home décor. Their café is a really great setting for the working parent. With lots of natural lighting, a kids play area, and lots of food options, it's a pretty great weekday work escape. If nothing else, use the wifi to play a few instructional videos to show you just how easy that new entertainment stand is going to be to put together -- whew!

The Porter Beer Bar is a warm and inviting nook in Little Five Points that is great for those who need to get connected on the web while enjoying a few cold ones. This place has a very extensive beer list, delicious food and a few different seating options that can accommodate individuals and/or groups who might like to take advantage of the complimentary web connection.

Dr. Bombay's Underwater Tea Party is a vibrant, yet homey setting in Candler Park that is open for business Tuesday – Sunday (Mondays are reserved for private events). Stop by for a cup of tea that's tied to their global missions in India, grab a book from their customer supported collection and use their wifi to discover new things. They'd love to have you!

Find a spot in the lobby or bar area at The Georgian Terrace Hotel. This Midtown Atlanta hotel is classic and refined. It's a great place for those who work in the area and need a change of scenery. Why not knock out a few emails before meeting friends for a drink or a show across the street at the Fox?

Afternoon pick-me-ups are always a must. If you have a sweet tooth and you need the perfect place to wait out the evening traffic in the perimeter area, head to Ali's Cookies. It's here where you can try one of their delicious baked goods while using their connectivity to map your ride home.

If you're just outside the city in the Alpharetta area, Top Golf is another fun place that offers free Wi-Fi to its patrons. It may not be the ideal setting for a productive evening of work, but it's a great place to take advantage of a free avenue to stay in touch with those in cities without Top Golf – aka those who are truly missing out on a really cool hangout.

For those who need to get ahead of their deadline and start relaxing before the final submission, Eminence Nail and Spa might just be the perfect place. Free Wi-Fi means productive pedicures. Can't beat that!

Joy Cafe is just down the street from Eminence, and it's the perfect quaint café that offers friendly staff and truly delicious food. Their grilled cheeses and tomato soup take comfort food to the next level. You'll want to use the Wi-Fi to write an online review about how much you loved their food.

Newk's Eatery is home to the giant signature cups that welcome a refill or two as you work away in their spacious dining area. There are a few locations around the city, and their menu has something for everyone. It's a safe bet as you consider favorite lunch or dinner places to crank out a few hours of work.

The library isn't just for students and retirees. Quiet is probably one of the biggest perks of choosing an Atlanta-Fulton Public Library as your free Wi-Fi destination. It's amazing how hard it can be to find a peaceful getaway in this city of ours.

Enjoy, and happy web surfing!