Years ago I recommended specific computers to readers based on the amount of attention each company paid to tech support. My theory was that most of the top brands were similar electronically. It was the level of tech support that set brands apart.

It's still true that there's not a great deal of difference between the top brands of computers based on components used and quality of the manufacturing process. Unfortunately there's not much difference in customer service either -- it's uniformly lousy. This lack of after-the-sale customer care isn't confined to computers. It's generally true across the board with makers of software, HDTVs and other electronic gadgets.

Here's a l a series of actions to take when you have a problem you can't solve. Most applies to computers, HDTVs, programs … any gadget you can name. But to make explaining easier, we'll assume it's a problem with your computer. We'll also assume it's a continuing and serious problem -- not a one-time glitch (it's best to ignore those -- fixing one-off hiccups can make a small problem into a giant one).

Step One: Gather information about the problem.

I know from emails I receive that many, maybe most, people do a bad job describing a problem. I'll often get a plea for help based on a note that says "my computer often stops working." That's not much to go on. So make a specific list of all the symptoms and write it down. Include the exact wording of any error messages. If there's a series of events when the computer shuts down -- describe the sequence of those events. If the problem most often happens when the computer is first started, write that down. If you hear any beeps or other sounds, make a note. If the problem started after you installed a new program or printer, write that down.

Step Two: Describe your system

Write down the make and model number of your computer including the serial number. You also need to list the operating system you use, the amount of RAM, the size of your hard disk and the programs you are running. A program I've recommended before -- Belarc Advisor -- will provide the level of detail you need. It's available for free download at Run the program and then print out and save the information it provides. Do that right now. If some future problem is severe enough you may not be able to run the program.

Step Three: Ask for help

Start with the manufacturer. Chances are the company has dealt with your specific problem before. If the company allows such a luxury, call the tech support line rather than sending e-mail. Even if you have to pay for the call, it's the quickest way to solve the problem. Email support usually means exchanging many back-and-forth emails.

Step Four: Be persistent but polite

A surprising number of otherwise decent people get aggressive and rude when dealing with tech support. Being rude makes things worse, not better. It's important to be persistent -- but it's nuts to act like a jerk.

Step Four: If first you don't succeed

Let's assume the first person can't help. If that's the case, immediately contact tech support again. As you might guess, competence and communication skills vary wildly from person to person. Maybe you'll get lucky and a better tech support person will answer.

Step Five: Escalate the problem

Let's assume you still haven't received meaningful help. Most tech support systems are organized in tiers. Often the least expert people are in the first tier. Those are the ones you'll reach when you first call. The idea is that fixing most problems is fairly easy and can be handled by the lowest level responder. Those in the higher tiers are often the best problem solvers. If you're tried and failed to get help, ask that your problem be moved up to the next tier. I can't promise that will happen but it's worth a try.

Step Six: Decision time

Many companies offer a higher level of tech support if you are willing to pay -- either by the call, or with a yearly subscription fee. Paid support is almost universally better. More time will be spent on your problem and odds are the help will be more expert. But is paying for support the right answer? After all, for a bit more money, you can also get help from a repair shop in your area. What to do? There's no perfect answer. But for an out-of-warranty computer with a serious problem, it may make more sense to bundle up the machine and head for a repair shop. On the other hand, if you are the kind of person who has continuing questions and problems, paying a subscription fee may make sense.

Some final thoughts and advice

Many of the support questions I get from readers involve problems with free email services. It would be a wonderful world if you could expect fast and personal help from a company providing  a free service or product. But, in almost every case, that's not true. No big deal when it comes to free programs -- the lack of direct support is a good trade-off for a free product. Not so with email. We use it for our work, school and almost every part of our life. I suggest you use the email account that comes from your paid Internet provider as your primary account. As a paying customer you'll have a better chance of getting help if your e-mail stops working or is compromised by a hacker. Use your free email accounts for non-essential communications, not for your work or other important tasks.

I hope the day comes when some bright company raises its prices a bit and spends that money on world class customer service. I don't know about you but I'd gladly pay a bit more for fast and expert help.