How to make your day better

We all have bad days, and some are much worse than others. A really bad day can be very unsettling, and you may end up feeling low and obsessing over what may have gone wrong. Here are some tips to help you through the day, whether good or bad.

Don't be so hard on yourself. It's very easy to beat yourself up when you've just found out that you made a mistake, but we all make mistakes, and making them is the one way to really learn about life and what works for you. If you see the lesson and embrace it, your day will be better and so will your life.

Get some fresh air. If you can take a walk or just sit in the sun, go for it. A breath of fresh air can help lower your anxiety or depression. Sometimes when we are upset, we hold our breath longer than we should, so remember to breathe in and out. It can only help you relax and center yourself.

Look for beauty right where you are. Sometimes it can be hard to take in the golden light of sunset or a spectacular view if you are feeling overwhelmed. Perhaps you can find simple beauty in a bird sitting on a branch. If nature isn't readily accessible, you can go to a museum or art gallery, or for that matter, the mall or even a car lot (just to look!) can bring a little light into your life.

Accept the challenging day. If you get a little perspective on what's happening, you can tell yourself that you've had days like this before, and things usually get better. Knowing that it is temporary will help you deal with whatever is going on.

Call a friend who might need a little cheering up. Thinking of someone else helps to take your thoughts away from whatever is troubling you, and helping a friend will make you feel better about yourself. I have a couple of friends who are dealing with terminal diseases, and reaching out to them always puts my own troubles into perspective.

Make one improvement in your home. Move a picture (or hang one), pull some weeds, or just fix something. If you can't do it alone, get some help, which will not only make you feel better but give you someone to talk with for a bit.

Find a movie you want to see and watch it that night. It doesn't matter if you go out or stay in. The idea is to give yourself something to look forward to, something that will help you pass the time and get you out of your own head and troubles at least for a little while. Hopefully when you wake up, you will see everything in a more positive light.

These are just a few ideas. Remember to try to keep some perspective and go easy on yourself. If you keep feeling like you are struggling, it may be wise to see someone to talk with about your life.