Love Your Pet Day 2019: Furry friends take the spotlight on social media

Have a special four-legged friend at home? It's time to be extra generous with the belly rubs, walks, treats and playtime in honor of every "fur child's" favorite day – Love Your Pet Day.

According to, the holiday, celebrated every year on Feb. 20, is the perfect opportunity "to give extra attention to and pamper your pets." The site, which could not track down the holiday's creator, recommends that animal lovers "bring your pet a special treat, take an extra long walk or give them more attention" to mark the occasion.

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But if Twitter trends are any indication, the most popular way to celebrate Love Your Pet Day may be sharing photos of Fluffy and Fido on social media. Check out some of our favorite photos below and share your own with the hashtag #LoveYourPetDay.

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