Technology has the power to unlock learning for kids of all ages and stages. Recent innovations in the app world have introduced a whole new wave of learning tools and products to kids around the globe. Check out these apps that help kids with communication, organization, and even social-awareness skills.

—Kid in Story Book Maker, ages 4 and older

This terrific app makes it easy to create social stories. The special features are particularly helpful for kids who may need to see themselves encountering situations, such as a visit to the dentist, in storybook form before encountering them in real life.

—Calm Counter — Social Story and Anger Management Tool, ages 5 and older

This ingenious app helps kids with special needs, social challenges, anxiety, or anger issues learn self-awareness as they begin to identify when they “need a break” and practice calming down.

—FTVS HD — First Then Visual Schedule HD, ages 5 and older

This scheduling app’s simple, multisensory interface has great potential for use with kids with developmental or learning disabilities; anxiety or attention issues; and language, hearing, or processing difficulties.?

—Proloquo2Go, ages 5 and older

This extraordinary communication aid is great for kids who have basic to severe speech challenges. Kids can learn how to effectively convey wants, needs, feelings, opinions, social manners, and more.

—The Social Express II, ages 8 and older

This excellent animated app boosts kids’ social-awareness skills. Kids can learn to identify how their peers are feeling, coping strategies, the importance of eye contact, and a host of core social skills needed to function in daily life.

—Popplet, ages 13 and older

This mind-mapping tool is especially helpful for kids who have problems with organization and visual memory. Kids can insert words, images, and their own drawings and then connect to other related Popplets to create an interactive outline of related ideas.


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