No traditional art? No problem. These days artwork doesn’t have to be traditional, like on a painted canvas. If you’re looking for some alternatives, here are some of our top Design Recipes tips.
Frame interesting mixed media elements, such as paper.
Use black-and-white photography.
Consider artwork that makes a statement such as an unusual or interesting print or image.
Use mirrors, especially in smaller spaces. Mirrors can be a low-cost alternative.
Use oversized prints to make a bold and dramatic decor statement.
Mix personal photos with artwork. Instead place personal photos in special areas and have specific walls designated for artwork.
Mix too many pieces of artwork in the same room. It is best to choose a color palette for a space and select complementary artwork.
Forget black and white are colors and great to use in a space.
Use artwork that is too large or too small in a particular space. Be sure to use artwork of the appropriate size and scale.
Hang artwork too high or too low. The proper height is eye level, which measures as 5 feet from the floor to the center of the piece of art.
Cathy Hobbs, based in New York City, is an Emmy Award-winning television host and a nationally known interior design and home staging expert with offices in New York City, Boston and Washington, D.C. Contact her at or visit her website at .
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