Q: I was wondering when is the best time to plant peonies. What do you recommend I put in the hole with the dirt? — Jayne Davis, email
A: For best results, plant peonies in fall, when daytime temperatures are reliably below 80 degrees. If you've already purchased one, plant immediately. Loosen a 3-foot-wide area where you intend to plant your peony. Add a cubic foot of soil conditioner and thoroughly mix it with the existing soil. The result will be a slight mound. Plant the peony in the center after untangling and spreading the roots. Water thoroughly after planting and then once a week until air temperatures are below 60 degrees.
Q: Why isn't St. Augustine grass recommended for our area? I have it for my front lawn and it works fine. Would I be dumb to spend more money to put it in the backyard? — Larry Ferguson, Tucker
A: I have St. Augustine grass in my front and back lawn and it does fine for me as well. I planted the lawn using sprigs I harvested from a lawn in Candler Park that had had St. Augustine grass for 20 years. My assumption was that St. Augustine grass that could withstand two decades of Atlanta winters was probably pretty cold-tolerant. I think the warnings about St. Augustine grass started many years ago when the only varieties available were those used in Florida, which were not very cold-tolerant. Newer varieties like 'Raleigh', 'Palmetto' and 'Mercedes' seem to do fine here. I'm not sure why sod suppliers are hesitant about stocking St. Augustine grass sod.
Q: I'm an alcoholic using kudzu powder to help prevent cravings. How hard would it be to grow kudzu myself in a vacant field? — C. C., Columbia, S.C.
A: Kudzu isn't particularly hard to transplant and cultivate, but first be positive you have a plan to control its spread. Kudzu powder is made from the vine's roots, but it will take several years to grow roots large enough to harvest. I think you'd be better off buying the powder at a health food store, not making it. Even if you collect roots from an existing kudzu patch, the process of extracting the starch is daunting. As you probably know, kudzu is in the bean family. There are various online recipes for cooking kudzu flowers, beans and leaves. Try these unique dishes at bit.ly/kudzurecipes.
Q: A simple question: What is the best time of the day to water an established Bermuda lawn? — Ralph Russo, Alpharetta
A: The answer is unequivocal: Lawn watering is best done in the morning. This allows two things to happen: the grass blades dry quickly, before fungi can grow on them, and less water is wasted due to hot temperatures in the afternoon. Use catch cups to measure how much water your system applies and adjust it to deliver an inch of water once per week during the summer, allowing grass roots to dry a bit before the next watering.
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